We are humbled by these beautiful testimonials.
Tyenna in Maywood, IL
Massage Therapist
~ Man, where to begin? What a week. I applied some Kimbara "Wepa!" CBD oil. The natural ingredients in this oil is made with pure love. I instantly felt more calm and less stressed out. I highly recommend this oil. I strongly stand by it as a user and as a massage therapist. Trust me, this is a product that is now a must have for me and my household. Thank you Livi and to your mom for this amazing CBD oil and as always, fly high beautiful Kyara.
Jessica in Dallas, TX
Web Developer, Teacher
~I have been having pain in my foot for a while now and every time I use Kimbara CBD oil, the very next day, the pain is gone! Even on the very first day of receiving the product and taking it orally I noticed a huge improvement to my energy level and mood. That entire day I had been feeling really tired and sluggish and within 15 minutes of taking Kimbara CBD, I was feeling energized and generally happy. Thanks for making this amazing product!
Isaac in Orlando, FL
~KIMBARA CBD Oil in general has been a miracle for me. My arthritis is basically cured after 3 moths of daily use, to the extent that damage I thought permanent has been reversed. I have tried different CBD tinctures from different companies and KIMBARA is by far the most consistent and effective. It has truly given me back parts of my life that I thought were over. Thank you Juile. It is definitely life changing!
Barbara in Franklin Park, IL
Professional Shopper
~OMG if it wasn't for the CBD oil I'd be running down the streets like a madwoman. Seriously, I've been taking it two weeks now. Things don’t really get me in a fowl mood. I may feel upset but it’s not consuming me mentally. The flavor I had to read about. It says others are the same. Oil like. It's ok. I've read it can taste like olive oil. Plus, I don’t want to add flavor if it takes away from potency.
Tony in Chicago, IL
~It's been a little over a month since I started using Kimbara. I am off of all anti-inflammatory and pain meds for chronic hip pain following an injury years ago. My blood sugars have regulated and I have had to reduce my diabetes 2 medications. I was the biggest skeptic turned lifetime user. I don't believe in miracles or cure-alls but I most certainly believe in this.
Maria in Chicago, IL
~ I was so excited to have picked up my stash of 10 bottles of Kimbara CBD. I sampled it before I bought it, and I absolutely loved the natural, earthy flavors. I cannot get enough of this. I got both the 850 and 2200 and use them at different times depending on how I feel and how much my knees hurt. I allowed my son to try it and he is getting his schoolwork done. Yay. My elderly mom swears by it as well. She is nicer lately and cooking more. I give them out as gifts and now my boss loves it too.

The testimonials on this website represent anecdotal experience of individual consumers. Individual experiences are not a substitute for scientific research.
***You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information you find on our website or provided to you by us regarding hemp supplements or otherwise.***
Feel Free to contact us: info@kimbaracbd.com